Fit Balls
Match and Connect vladetam 04 Mar , 2021 0

Match and Connect vladetam 04 Mar , 2021 0
Fit Balls is an interesting puzzle game with unique twist. The point is to fill the jar with balls of different sizes (which are also of different colours, although colour isn't of any importance). There are four different sizes and certain number of balls of each size. Tap on the appropriate button and one ball will drop from above into the jar. If you kkep the button pressed, balls will continue to fall in until you release the button (this is convenient when you want just to fire more balls of the same size). First several levels are easy and use just as an introduction to the game mechanics. But aftgerwards, some strategical thinking must be used. Jars have different shapes and not every ball can fit anywhere. You have to think about the sequence of creating the balls. Luckily, it's easy to undo the mistake - just click on the ball that bothers you, it will disappear (will be returned into the pipeline), and you can try something else. If you're really into the trouble, you can use the bomb which can destroy several balls. Those balls are gone and you won't need to place them again. You start with three bombs but you can earn them by watching ads. Fit Balls is a nice little time waster, graphics are neat and simple. There are no fancy options (you don't need them), I only wish it had the option to reset all levels and start from the beginning.
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