99 Balls

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Other Brainers vladetam 0

99 Balls

'99 balls' belongs to a newly invented ball shooter subcategory. Yes, you still destroy those little balls which steadily creep towards the bottom of the screen (which would mean the end of the game for you), but with a little twist - those balls now need to be shot more than once (and the level of their energy is clearly written on themselves). Luckily, you have your secret weapons - when you shoot special 'circle' you'll get additional ball in your arsenal, which helps you to survive. Plan your fire wisely, since optimal deflection is your friend here. Shoot stars to collect them and exchange them for upgrades.

'99 balls' belongs to a newly invented ball shooter subcategory. Yes, you still destroy those little balls which steadily creep towards the bottom of the screen (which would mean the end of the game for you), but with a little twist - those balls now need to be shot more than once (and the level of their energy is clearly written on themselves). Luckily, you have your secret weapons - when you shoot special 'circle' you'll get additional ball in your arsenal, which helps you to survive. Plan your fire wisely, since optimal deflection is your friend here. Shoot stars to collect them and exchange them for upgrades.


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